Technology Stack: Tools of the Trade for '24 Hours in the Terminal'

The '24 Hours in the Terminal' series provides a comprehensive exploration of using the command line to its utmost potential. To embark on this journey, we employ a suite of efficient tools and technologies that ensure a smooth and productive learning experience. Here's a look at the tech stack that plays an integral role in crafting our tutorials:


  • MacBook Pro 2014

    At the heart of our setup is a MacBook Pro 2014, providing us with a reliable and capable hardware foundation. While we specifically use a MacBook Pro 2014 for this series, the techniques and commands we discuss should work on any Unix-based system. These systems include macOS, Linux, and even Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

  • iTerm2

    To bring up the terminal, we utilize iTerm2 - an open-source replacement for Apple's Terminal. This powerful terminal emulator provides features beyond those offered by the default Terminal, making it a preferable choice for our journey. Some of these features include split panes, hotkey window activation, and search capability, among others.

  • Oh My Zsh

    To supercharge our command line interface, we use Oh My Zsh - an open-source, community-driven framework for managing Zsh configuration. Zsh, or the Z shell, is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Oh My Zsh comes bundled with a ton of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, and themes, making terminal navigation a breeze.

  • Homebrew

    Finally, to manage software installation in our command line environment, we use Homebrew, an incredibly versatile package manager for macOS. It simplifies the process of installing, upgrading, and managing software on your Mac, thus helping us to quickly set up the required tools and packages for our tutorials.

  • With this arsenal of technologies at our disposal, we're all set to explore the vast realm of command-line computing. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a complete beginner, these tools will ensure that your 24-hour journey through the terminal is an enriching and enjoyable experience.